Everyone needs to make sure that when they spend time on holiday with their family that they have the best time possible. The holidays is probably the most time that you will spend uninterrupted with your family, they will last long in the memory and be treasured forever. With such little quality time available these […]Read More
Philly is a city filled with culture, famous for being the birthplace of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness! But here, you’ll find much more than just historic landmarks and cobblestoned streets. There’s enough here to fill the appetites of anyone who loves great art, food, architecture, music and much more. It’s the unique […]Read More
When you’re going on a holiday, chances are you want to document your experiences in some way, and that often involves a camera. Whether you use an SLR camera with zoom lens, a point-and-shoot digital camera or even want to document your trip with a camera phone, you can follow these tips for making the […]Read More
As well as being home to giant talking mice and other fantastical creatures, Florida is also one of the most diverse states in the US in terms of wildlife, with a range of different ecosystems providing the habitats for a huge number of exotic animals. From the everglades to the offshore reefs, it’s a fantastic […]Read More
It seems that every week, somewhere in the world, innocent people are getting killed or injured due to a terrorist attack. We have almost become immune to the constant bombing attacks that occur in Iraq, even though the American presence was supposed to stabilise the situation. Even in Africa, currently in Sudan, violence is brewing […]Read More
Having problems with money while overseas is something that gives many people nightmares when they are planning a trip, but while it may sound like a minefield, negotiating it is easy for those who understand what help is available and that follow some basic budgeting principles. Simple money management First of all it is important […]Read More
There are two Disney resorts in the United States: California’s Disneyland is the original Disney theme park, inaugurated by Walt Disney in 1955; the other, the massive Disney World Resorts, is a huge complex spread across 47 square miles near Orlando, Florida. Despite the fact that the same company owns both resorts, which is the […]Read More
San Francisco is a vibrant and colourful city with a beautiful waterfront setting that’s known for the stunning views from the Golden Gate Bridge. Websites like Visit California and Discover America will offer some advice on the best places to visit but these ten spots offer something a little different. Sausalito At Sausalito you […]Read More
Taking a trip to Walt Disney World Florida with the family is always a special experience, but it can be difficult to arrange during the summer months. There are lots of benefits, therefore, in organising such a holiday for everyone later on in the year with Cosmos and it’s not too late for 2013. Read on […]Read More